Is this content going to be relevant?
Are people going to appreciate my posts?
How many likes will I get?
Will my grammatical construct be correct?
Will I be able to express myself and my knowledge fully?
All these were the worries I had when I started my tech blog...
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Hello World!!👋🏽👋🏽
Going more specific from my last blog, ''What does successful blogging mean to me?''
I’ve read some of the AMAZING works of people like Edidiong Asikpo, Victoria Lo , Sai Laasya Vabilisetty, Omotola Shogunle, Bolaji Ayodeji and a couple of other amazing tech bloggers. I saw how well they are able to organize their articles, I saw how well, they constructed their sentences and those times I usually feel like ‘Oh no...IBK, when are you going to be this good? Over time, I've to sit down and really ask myself, what does success in blogging mean to me? I had to address those worries and in doing so, I was able to answer some of the questions in my heart. They have served as valuable lessons for me and I will love to share some of them with you;
Question 1:
Is my content going to be relevant, with the abundance of content out there?
Yes it will, Have you realized that even with the abundance of resources out there, we tend to find one content more useful than the other even though they both are explaining the same concept. This ay be due to our style,level of understaning and for other resons.This is the same way someone will find your content more useful than another. Also recognize that we are all uniquely different, our writing style differ one to another , you cant exactly write like someone else and no one like you. So write that article, one person out of the 7 billion in this world will find it useful.
Question 2:
How many likes will I get?
Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash
This particular question gets more worrisome especially in this age, where analytics make you feel like you are not good enough and all. But I believe in growth, it may take time for people to get to know you and start engaging with your post and start giving you their likes. Beyond the likes and claps, I’m more glad when someone comments on how he/she found my content useful. You should too...
Question 3?
Will my English be good enough?
English is a complicated language, and its not so easy to master even if it is your mother tongue or first language. Although you will have to use English to communicate, you should be more concerned with how clearly and lucidly you are able to convey your thoughts.
Tech blogging involve some technical jargons , but your ability to put that down will require simple words, so don’t try to use big words. They only make your article harder to comprehend.
In conclusion
A successful blog in my opinion, is not one with the most flamboyant grammar, neither is it necessarily the one with a million likes, it is the one which is clear enough and has enough content to help a person in dire need.
I hope you learnt one or two things from these lessons. Let me know if you have other tips in the comment section.